Why You Should Drink GREEN TEA

 Why You Should Drink GREEN TEA

Green tea is a wonderful drink that you can have during your day.

Green Tea Fight against Aging

Green tea contains polyphenols, a biological molecule that is responsible for its antioxidant properties. Catechins are one of them and a subclass of polyphenols that efficiently neutralize free radicals and slow down the aging process.

Epigallocatechin gallate is the most potent of these catechins found in green tea (EGCG). Free radicals are engulfed by antioxidants in green tea when they are exposed to antioxidants, creating weak, harmless free radicals that are unlikely to cause additional harm to your body.

According to some sources, consuming 300–400 mg of polyphenols on a daily basis is necessary to prevent age spots, maintain beautiful skin, and lessen the appearance of age spots. Natural astringent and antibacterial green tea help cleanse and detoxify the skin.

Applying green tea extracts topically or drinking green tea as a beverage also lowers the risk of developing skin cancer (melanoma). According to the Journal of Investigative Dermatology, skin cancers can develop when benzol peroxide, a component of acne treatments, is administered to the skin. Such skin cancers are prevented by using green tea topically in the same location before using benzoyl peroxide.

Today's market offers a variety of cosmetic and beauty care items containing green tea extracts, including body lotion, shampoos, conditioners, and face creams.


Green Tea Suppresses Brain Aging

According to epidemiological research, drinking green tea can significantly lower your risk of developing dementia. Green tea's primary ingredient is epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG). The blood-brain barrier may be crossed by both EGCG and epigallocatechin (EGC) to reach the brain parenchyma, although EGCG has been shown to be more effective than EGC at promoting neuronal differentiation. Additionally, it has been proposed that the intestinal microbiota's breakdown products of EGCG encourage the development of nerve cells and that EGCG and its degradation products act on nerve cells gradually.

Theanine and arginine, two free amino acids found in green tea, on the other hand, have stress-relieving properties. Theanine and arginine have an anti-stress action, which counteracts the long-term stress that causes brain aging. The ratios between EGCG and caffeine, which counterbalance this effect, are crucial for the anti-stress impact of green tea.

Green Tea Act as a Natural Stimulant

Theophylline and theobromine are present in green tea extract. They are compounds with similar stimulating properties to coffee. According to Mayo Clinic Publications, a typical cup of green tea has about 28 mg of caffeine.

Nearly one-third of a cup of coffee is contained in that amount. Green tea is therefore a healthy substitute for coffee when you need to stay up and stimulated.

Green Tea is a Natural Guard for Body

Numerous recent research has demonstrated that green tea helps shield your body from the invasion and spread of cancer. Catechins are one of the crucial chemical elements found in green tea extract. The main element causing these anti-cancer properties is EGCG (Epigallocatechin Gallate).


This study found that catechins were able to prevent mice from developing human breast and prostate cancer. This is why consuming green tea extract that is high in catechins can function as a defense against cancer.

Your cells may accumulate oxidative chemicals that could be removed by drinking green tea, which is high in antioxidants.

Green Tea Protect Your Heart

Regular consumption of green tea lowers your risk of developing heart disease. A Japanese study comparing two distinct test groups of the adult Japanese population came to that conclusion.

The risk of serious heart disease was 31% lower in the person who drank green tea. The polyphenols in tea extract appear to be able to reduce the risk of abrupt heart failure and the blood lipid level that causes blood clots.

Green Tea Increase Your Metabolism

Numerous studies prove green tea extract can aid in weight loss. Your metabolism can be accelerated by polyphenols, catechins, and particularly EGCG.

Furthermore, since 99% of green tea is water, regularly consuming it helps your stomach feel full. According to Cochrane's Meta-Analysis, green tea may aid in the weight loss and maintenance of a healthy diet in persons who are overweight or obese.

Green Tea Kill Your Stress    

In addition to caffeine, green tea contains L-Theanine, which can cause the GABA neuromodulator to overproduce. Your brain's natural relaxant, GABA, can be activated by green tea to help you manage stress and anxiety.


Studies have shown that drinking tea can also help you sleep better, as long as you always follow the recommended amount.

Green Tea Protect Your Mouth from Germs

There are numerous bacteria and germs in your mouth, teeth, and gum tissues. Many of them are in charge of dental infections like gingivitis. Antibiotic and antifungal compounds can be found in teas. Drinking green tea can therefore increase your odds of having better dental health.

Additionally, drinking green tea consistently can help persons whose breath stinks because of the activity of oral bacteria.

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